Acacia pendula (Weeping Myall) is a long-lived wattle that has tolerances and aesthetic qualities well worth considering for contemporary urban landscapes.
Northern Victoria, through NSW plains to Southern QLD. Widespread in inland areas.
Small evergreen, narrow to spreading, pendulous tree up to 12m in height. Long-lived wattle.
Phyllodes are flexible, 5-8cm long, tending to sickle shaped, waxy-blue, with minute silver oppressed hairs. Flowers in spring are on short racemes in axils, with 2-4 golden, globular heads. Distinctive pods are flat, 4-8cm long by 1-2cm wide. Hard, rough, fissured, dark-grey bark.
Can tolerate heavy soils and waterlogged sites. Acacia pendula is also highly drought tolerant, and moderately frost and wind tolerant.
Can be prone to Processional caterpillars. Also galls on leaves caused by fungus (Rust) or insects.
Root Space
Based on a mature size specimen of Weeping Myall with a trunk diameter between 20cm to 30cm a tree would require approximately 15m3 to 20m 3root volume (Urban, 2008).
Seed is readily available. Stock is occasionally available from specialist nurseries.
Uses and Management
The Weeping Myall has too many suitable biological tolerances and aesthetic qualities to be overlooked for contemporary urban landscapes.
It can provide a graceful, silvery contrast to otherwise typically green landscapes.
Suitable as a street tree and is able to pruned for electrical services.
Weeping Myall prefers slightly fertile, well-drained sandy soils in full sun, and with occasional watering. However, as a drought tolerant plant, it can survive long periods without watering at all, and will grow in partial shade.
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Australian Government. Australian National Botanic Gardens. Growing Native plants. , seen at:
Urban, J. (2008) Up by roots. Healthy soils and trees in the built environment. International Society of Arboriculture.