We can identify tree related constraints and/or opportunities on a site prior to purchase. This service is charged at an hourly rate (for smaller sites of less than 10 trees generally allow from 1 to 2 hours), and includes a brief summary and mud map of the trees on or adjacent to the site, along with any relevant controls.
Impact assessment
Along with determining any impacts to the assessed vegetation from a proposed design (by calculating the perceived TPZ encroachments), this assessment offers recommendations about the management of the trees, including the tree protection measures (compliant with AS4970) needed to successfully retain nominated trees.
Risk management
Our consultants are trained in both Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA) and The ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) methods. We conduct large scale risk assessments using GIS software to accurately locate, map and colour code trees depending on their perceived risk ratings. We create management schedules, in line with a budget, prescribing works on trees with the highest risk ratings first. Our sister company Arbor Co offers a range of tree pruning, care and removal services. For further details click here.
Preliminary assessments
These assessments provide detailed information on the species, origin, dimensions, health and structure of the trees. They identify trees that are appropriate and worthy for retention in relation to a redevelopment, and provide information on tree related controls affecting the assessed vegetation.
In addition the assessment allocates Tree Protection Zones (TPZ) for assessed trees compliant with AS4970 ‘Protection of trees on development sites’, which gives the design team something to work with, and locates and identifies trees on tree location plans, colour coding the plans in accordance with the trees’ respective arboricultural ratings, using GIS.
Expert witness
Treelogic’s team of qualified and experienced consultants bring a depth of understanding, diversity and knowledge to arboricultural issues, unrivalled by our competitors.
Treelogic consultants have:
- An in-depth understanding of the strategic and operational drivers for best practice urban tree management context.
- An in-depth understanding of municipal planning schemes and other regulatory requirements governing tree retention.
- An ability to communicate with high comprehensive values in a range of formats.
This has led to our consultant’s regularly providing expert witness statements for our clients, particularly within the planning framework.
Treelogic consultants have spoken of their reports and other arboricultural matters in many formal settings including the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Planning Panel hearings and State Government Parliamentary hearings.
Tree root investigations
Tree Logic does not carry out tree root investigations per se, please refer to our sister company Arbor Co for these services. Our expertise lies in determining tree impacts after such an investigation, and preparing an accompanied report.
Tree Logic also undertakes site supervision when construction works are occurring near to trees.
Some reference to assessing tree root damage could also be considered.
Tree valuations
Trees provide a multitude of benefits and consequently they have intrinsic value. Tree appraisal methods are used to provide a monetary value for trees based on various physical and aesthetic qualities. Values may be used for compensation or for establishing tree preservation bonds on development sites. Treelogic consultants are also experienced in using i-Tree Eco valuation method (, which calculates the environmental benefits as well as structural values of trees