Quercus macrolepis (Valonia Oak)
This Oak has many synonyms with a name change from Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis (Kotschy.) The acorn caps (valonea) are high in tannins and are used in the tanning of leather.
Italy, Balkans, Turkey
Medium wide-spreading tree. Broad domed graceful canopy. Moderate growth rate, mature size ranges between10-15m high x 12-18m wide.
Buds large and hairy. Young shoots with dense white/yellow down. Leaves ovate, angular, bristle-tipped mostly 5-8cm long, 2-4cm wide with dense white/yellow above and below at first and then persistent below. Bark a light grey and flacking with shallow fissures when young becoming furrowed with age. Acorns hairy and almost completely enclosed by the extremely large hairy cup with long spreading scale around the lip.
Not well known but appears able to adapt to most soils. Moderate waterlogging and drought tolerance. Does not appear seriously affected by pest or disease. Intolerant of coastal exposure.
Root space:
Based on mature size tree would require approximately 140m2 area or 85m3 root volume (crown projection method)
Ref: Spencer, R (Ed) (1997) Horticultural Flora of South-Eastern Australia – Part 1. University of NSW Press
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